


Accreditation is a process that ensures that educational institutions meet certain standards of quality. It is important for students, parents, and employers to know that an accredited institution has been evaluated and found to meet these standards.

There are many benefits to EAHEA accreditation in the area of quality of higher education. Some of these benefits include:

1. Increased Confidence: Accreditation provides assurance that an institution meets certain standards of quality. This can give students, parents, and employers confidence that the education they receive will be of high quality.

2. Improved Outcomes: Accreditation can lead to improved student outcomes. This is because accredited institutions are required to have strong academic programs and to provide students with a variety of resources and support services.

3. Enhanced reputation: Accreditation can enhance an institution´s reputation. This can make it easier for an institution to attract students, faculty, and donors.

Overall, accreditation is a valuable tool for ensuring the quality of higher education. It provides assurance to students, parents, and employers that an institution meets certain standards of quality. This can lead to improved student outcomes, increased access to financial aid, and enhanced reputation.

Other benefits of the accreditation from EAHEA:

1. Improvement: The accredited member institution going through the self-assessment process guided by the EAHEA standards will learn how to further enhance its educational quality, how to improve its internal and administrative processes, and how to optimize its overall outcome.

2. Recognition: Each EAHEA accredited member institution will receive an accreditation certificate. This status may be permanently checked by any third party at the EAHEA website.

3. Promotion: The EAHEA will promote its accredited members through the internet and will forward any request to the appropriate institution. The EAHEA will finally reinforce the decision process of some potential students by emailing verification of the accreditation status of its members to any questioner.

4. Networking: All the EAHEA accredited member institutions aim towards similar quality and long terms goals despite their country of origin. This goal is reassured by the EAHEA accreditation they share. This fact facilitates the establishment of diverse types of international cooperation and agreements among member institutions, such as learning from other colleagues around the world, establishing academic synergies, creating cooperative global market strategies, etc.

5. Quality Control: The EAHEA accreditation does not only provide a warranty of academic quality, educational integrity, and administrative responsibility of the accredited institutions but also ensures continuous quality monitoring and feedback. The EAHEA welcomes complaints, suggestions, and comments related to any member institution. These comments may provide useful and quick feedback to the institution about any academic or marketing actions it conducts. Comments are also efficient to help the institution in detecting problems as well as to monitor that EAHEA standards are respected.

6. Conflict Resolution: The EAHEA may intervene in several ways in the resolution of conflict within the different layers of the accredited institution. The EAHEA may arbitrate disputes between members and/or students. The EAHEA may guide and support the institution during periods of serious difficulty, potential liability, insecurity of continuation, and even possible shut down. The EAHEA advice will be always aimed to preserve student welfare.

Accreditation Benefits
Sample Certificate 1
Accreditation Benefits
Sample Certificate 2
Globethics.Net Foundation
International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
International Education Accreditation Council
E-Learning Quality Network
Eurosia Educational Research Council
Mercosur Accreditation Agency