Under the decision taken by our Board of Directors in line with the proposal of our General Secretariat upon the intense demand from our corporate members;
1- Our agency, which concentrated only on "Institutional and Programmatic Accreditation" in the field of "Higher Education" between 1997 and 2020, started to provide quality assurance, standard setting, rating, certification, training, event, consultancy, as well as accreditation services due to the requirements seen over the past years, as of 2021.
2- Based on the explanation made in the first article; The name of our agency is inadequate and limited to only one area (higher education and accreditation). Therefore, it was necessary to change our name "European Agency for Higher Education and Accreditation" and it was registered as "European Association for Higher Education Advancement" by Tartu County Court, Estonia. In this way, we will continue to serve under our new name which covers all areas we serve.
3- Our website, domain name, logo, and all corporate documents will continue to be used with only a name change.
4- Due to international taxation arising from our commercial activities, we will continue to work with Sunhill International company only in the Online Collection area, and payments made by credit card will be made through this institution. However, EAHEA's corporate bank accounts will now be used for payments via bank/wire transfer.
5- In addition to our current services (accreditation, certification, quality assurance),an international conference named "World Conference on Education, Teaching, and Learning (WCETL)" will be held every year as of 2024.
6- Following our policy of making our current database available to all interested parties, an online database portal named "World Higher Education List (WHEL)" will be opened in 2024, and willing institutions and organizations will be rated as members of this database and listed publicly.
7- Our institution's Article of Association and Memorandum of Association documents have been expanded and updated to cover all our services, and have been approved by local authorities and made available for review on our website.
8- With the decision taken by our board of directors, Mr. Dr. Mehmet Selçuk Batal was appointed as the 1st Term (2024-2027) president of the "European Association for Higher Education Advancement (EAHEA)" and he was given full authority until January 31, 2027.
It is announced to all our members and interested parties.
11-03-2024, EAHEA General Secretariat, Estonia