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A University Degree or Vocational Training: Which One Is The Best?

Attaining higher education has become a popular trend for youngsters. According to the study facts and figures, 50% of the students chose the option of going to a university for higher education. Higher education with a desirable degree is the best package for a successful career and life. But as more and more educational courses have been developed and included in the curriculum, it becomes really difficult to choose between the courses of study that best suits your lifestyle, which specializations you prefer to pursue, and which campus has more to offer. The most difficult time is when you have to choose the right institute for yourself that fulfills your demands and needs of providing quality higher education.

This is how it starts: there are two options to choose from initially, i.e. higher education providers/ university and VET (aka Vocational Educational and Training). For some, who choose to opt university for higher studies for professions like medicine, law and architecture – only taught by higher education providers, other professions such as hospitality, creative arts, and management; are taught in both higher education and VET sector. You will also see that some institutes offer degrees along with Vet courses and some universities offer VET courses in addition to higher education. So there is an overlap between higher education providers and VET providers, creating a puzzled situation, when it comes to choose the best option.

University Education Or Vocational Training: Differences

In order to come to a conclusion it is essential to have a research on both the institutes. What makes them different from one and another and how?

University Education:

University generally offers an academic education experience. An Academic education explores the theoretical aspect, and not necessarily the practical or realistic phase. Undergraduates normally study for 3-4 years full time to achieve a Bachelor’s Degree and then move on to a university to earn, postgraduate, master’s or a doctorate’s degree.

Vocational Training:

Vocational Training on the other hand has a different educational focus. They emphasize on providing practical, job specific skills. This means if you pursue a vocational education, your courses should teach you the specific knowledge and skills you need to know to perform a particular job role. Vocational Training courses are offered at different number of levels, starting from the very basic at Certificate level up to Diploma and Advance Diplomas, which are often equal to a university’s first year study.

Vocational training does not oblige any specific strict requirements for enrollment. Anyone can chose a desirable field of study to be educated and trained. Whether one is a school dropout, didn’t complete higher education or any particular reason; no age or intellectual level boundaries.

The major difference here amongst the two is that Vocational Educational Training has more to offer rather than University Education. Vocational training has extended beyond the room of trades to cover industries such as information technology, tourism, retail, cosmetics, healthcare, childcare, management and business studies.

University Education or Vocational Training: What do you think is more useful?

At present, both the universities and the VET sectors offer a huge variety of courses to the students so that they can pick the desired one for themselves. Here the most important factor that matters is your strengths and interests. Obviously you won’t put yourself into something you are not interested to do or hate doing.

University academics and degrees are important in their own way. There are some professions which require you to earn a degree, e.g. doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, architects, engineers, teachers, etc. However, university courses commonly have a long-term payoff. It might be several years before you can use your qualifications to start earning an income.

To the contrary, Vocational Education and Training is the fastest way to move on to your career and apply for a well-paying skilled job. It is ideal for those who start their tertiary education as an adult and can be one of the quicker ways to change your career path. Students receive education plus hands on training in Vocational Education system.

Best of Both Worlds

Both the education systems have their own importance and significance for the students. Fortunately, at present, Vocational Education and Training is given more preference by employers. Employers are increasingly requesting a greater element of Vocational Training to be included along with academic education, which is something the universities are now responding too. For example, many medical universities provide vocational training to their students like dealing a patient and managing staff, etc.

It is quite clear that vocational training is no longer a poor relation of a university degree. Rather, it works to fill in the gap which a university academic education is not necessarily covering when it comes to equip students with specific skills and training required by young people for their workplace.

The most important lesson of all is that young people need to be given full understanding of the variety of options available to them and should be cleared with the misconceptions that vocational training can only lead them to a second-class career, whereas, it can lead to valuable, well-paid and fulfilling professions.

Finding Your Path

You don’t have to hurry into one system of education or the other. Work out where you’re wanting to go in your career and set aside some opportunity to look into your choices. Finding the correct education and preparing way for your interests, needs and capacities is a critical stride in guaranteeing your long haul achievement.

Good luck in your education and training and let us know if we can help you out!

News/Post Source: Internet - Google, Multiple Source
Globethics.Net Foundation
International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
International Education Accreditation Council
E-Learning Quality Network
EduTrust Education Quality Accreditation
Mercosur Accreditation Agency