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New Technology Trends Emerging in Schools

Technology was and is everywhere in education, but as more innovations and inventions are been created, new trends have started emerging in most of the schools across the world. School administrations and faculty have known it well that by integrating technology in school and classrooms gave rise to the students’ abilities to think creative and out of the box, to be good decision makers, to do stuff independently and create what their minds imagine. Schools look forward to adapt these new trends of Ed-Tech to prepare the students for the technological future. Following you will read about the new technology trends emerging in schools:

Blended Learning:

Blended learning in its simplest form can be defined as the mixture or blend of traditional based learning with technology based learning. The trend of blended learning is been incorporated in many schools with which they mix the online educational world with physical classroom setting. The idea is to make students independent learners and to work on those parts in which they lack. The students get a room to open themselves to new ideas, critical thinking and help them learn on their own. Independent learn makes the students mind work more and produce good results. Along with online education, teachers also conduct regular content classes to prepare students have full command on the particular subject they study. By integrating blended learning in classrooms teachers can give more time to each student individually.

Flipped Learning:

Flipped learning is from of blended learning. Defining Flipped Learning in common language would be “students doing school work at home and homework at school.” The thought behind this trend to make students learn independently rather than learning directly from the teacher. It is the approach in which teachers are allowed to implement a methodology, or various methodologies to engage students in active learning. The teachers follow the following four pillars in order to implement Flip Learning in their classrooms.

Flexible Environment: Teachers provide a flexible environment to the students i.e. they let students choose the method and place of study. A variety of teaching methodologies, learning modules, and interesting content is adapted by the teacher in helping students learn. Students feel more comfortable to learn in an environment created by themselves.

Learning Culture: Flipped Learning does not encourage traditional learning in which the teacher lectures the class in spite caring if the students are interested or even paying attention. To the contrary, flipped learning involves more of learner-centered approach in which students are given the opportunity to explore the topics in much depth.

Intentional Content: Flipped Learning is based on student-centered learning. Teachers think about how the flipped modules can be used to develop conceptual understanding among students. The use of Intentional Content let the teachers promote student-centered learning in the class, focusing on the active learning of the students. The content chosen is relevant to students’ age group, their understanding level and meets their academic needs.

Professional Educator: Professional Educators play an important role in Flipped classroom. They keenly observe their students work, evaluate it and provide feedback there and then so that the students learn from their mistakes. Professional Educators also take feedback from other mentors to improve their instruction and bring new ways to get students engagement in learning.


Games. Who doesn’t like them? Whether small children, adults or even aged people love playing games. Game refresh your mind and make you feel active throughout. This trend is also used in education. It may not be a new one, yet very useful and effective. Students enjoy more when teachers used gaming modes to teach them. The love to solve the challenges at each level and feel proficient when they are rewarded for the win. This makes learning a positive experience, one that you won’t have to force students to enjoy.

Digital Textbooks:

Textbooks are been replaced with digital textbooks and e-books. Digital textbooks are recommended more than textbooks. Textbooks do no provide update content as it takes 7 years for a new edition to come, whereas, digital textbooks provide up-to-date information anywhere, anytime. Digital books seem to be cheaper than textbooks. Students do not have to carry heavy books to school when they can easily carry a tablet that holds a huge library in it.

Social Media:

When it comes to Social Media, everyone has the addiction. Teachers are fearful to use social media as a medium of imparting knowledge. But this is only one-sided view of the situation. Social Media also plays a vital role in developing students’ interest in education. It the most common medium of communication which can also be a great source of learning too. Social media can be used in variety of ways to make learning effective. Students form groups on social channels and work on projects and assignments together. Peer learning is enhanced and students’ communication skills are also developed. The best thing about social media is that a medium is used which students understand and enjoy, making it easier to get everyone involved.

Mobile Devices for Schoolwork:

Schools have allowed students to bring their mobile devices for schoolwork. Students use their mobile devices for various tasks in school. They download apps to schedule their homework for the week. Students use translate apps during language classes. Students stay in contact with their peers in group tasks and get answers to questions just on one click.

News/Post Source: Internet - Bing, Multiple Source
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