21st century is a revolutionary time for Education. The industry has transformed rather rapidly, leaving teachers lagging and struggling to keep up.
The fast-paced world charged with technology is a fantasy of Technocrats and a nightmare for Luddites. Expansion of technology among the youth has prompted school managements to take new ways of learning seriously. Students find these recent changes to be helpful, although teachers seem to be struggling.
There’s a significant generational divide between students and teachers in 2021. Students in colleges belong from a completely different age group, a group that grew up with technological assistance. On the other hand, teachers in charge of these tech-savvy students are not as familiar with computers and other digital sources of learning.
This inability of teachers to understand the functioning of youth puts them at a considerable disadvantage. They are not even unable to teach students in more progressive ways, but they also fail to understand the nature of modern students, resulting in overall poor teaching performance. Technology has shaped the personality of Gen-Z, which makes familiarity with Ed-tech a vital thing.
The current makeup of teachers is still benighted in terms of their Tech-Knowledge. Even when it comes to hiring, tech-savvy educators have the edge over those elude technology in Education. Schools, colleges, and universities want to hire professionals who are in touch with the latest trends. This is another reason why teachers should steer towards learning and understanding the ways modern students learn.
Here’s what teachers in 2021 can do to boost their student learning while expanding their area of expertise.
Teacher-Student Interaction After Class
As a teacher, your primary purpose is enabling student learning which is only possible when you know your students well enough. Stats reveal that teachers who lean towards personalized learning experience higher class performance boost as compared to those who don’t. Teachers are better able to rectify learning issues of students when they understand them.
Student-teacher interaction is a two-way road that benefits both parties involved. Students become more comfortable with asking questions and teachers gain insight as to how to teach a particular student. It is for this same reason that teachers are recommended to form personal and strong relationships with their students.
Incorporating technology is a great idea! Allow your students to communicate with you through email post-class. You don’t have to donate your entire day to teaching; you may set a particular time for post-class discussions when students would be allowed to ask you queries and benefit from your assistance. This will help students feel at ease in class, enriching the class environment.
Record Your Lectures
Recorded lectures have proven to impact the overall learning of students positively. Students confirmed that the ability to re-watch a lecture, fast-forward, and rewind a video-enabled them to understand complex concepts better.
Teachers are recommended to record essential lectures so that students can re-watch and understand them.
Multimedia in Classroom
Students learn better in the form of visuals. We have mentioned it time and again that student-centered methods naturally work as a catalyst when it comes to boosting performance outcome. The students of the current era like to learn through images and videos. Therefore, incorporating multimedia in your classroom will save you plenty of time trying to explain more straightforward concepts.
You can use movies, documentaries, short clips, and slides to explain complex ideas. This content is readily available on the internet, saving your time while serving the purpose of learning. In Ed-Tech multimedia is a game-changer that more teachers need to familiarize themselves with.
Activity on Social Media
Want to know your students better? Get on social media. Believe it or not, but students of 21st century spend the majority of their time on the internet. About time that teachers stop viewing social media as a weapon and start understanding the perks of it is used as a tool for learning.
As a teacher, you can use platforms like Facebook to create classroom groups. This will not only make it easier for you to post updates but will allow students to engage post-class as well. More importantly, social media will spice up learning, making it less tedious and more fun. Teachers are also recommended to create their accounts and form a personal reputation through networking.
Be Flexible
As mentioned earlier, the modern learning ecosystem is fast-paced. New trends replace the old ones in a blink of an eye. If luckily, you are a teacher who is always in touch with recent trends, it may not be enough. There’s no point of awareness if there’s no implication. Teachers are recommended to be more flexible, pliable and accepting towards new trends. Learn what’s new and don’t hesitate to tailor it according to the needs of your student, and finally implement it.
News/Post Source: Internet - Ella Wilson, IAO