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How Is The Doctor of Excellence Eligibility Evaluated?

The minimum age to apply for Doctorate of Excellence is 30 years. For the evaluation of the candidate, to validate the admissibility to the Doctor of Excellence award, the commission established a standard based on the HPS™ (EAHEA Honorary Point System). Eligibility is based on the critical reading of the candidate´s Curriculum Vitae. To obtain the Doctorate of Excellence, at least 120 HPS™ must be obtained. To avoid discrimination of any kind, the commission assesses the merits of the candidate with reference to any area of ​​knowledge, art, culture, professions, science, sport, without any social, religious, political or citizenship discrimination.

The HPS™ are assigned on the basis of the candidate´s CV without distinction of cultural area and can be assigned for human, social, artistic, literary, scientific, technological, literary merits. Reaching the necessary EPS does not oblige European Agency for Higher Education and Accreditation to confer the Doctor of Excellence Honoris Causa.

Some examples of distribution of credit points based on the interpretation of the CV and documentary evidence:

Age: 15 to 35 HPS™, Divide age by 2
Leadership: 5 to 20 HPS™, 1 HPS™ per year in managerial positions
Doctorate Education: 30 HPS™ for each doctorate degree
Postgraduate Education: 20 HPS™ for each postgraduate degree
Bachelor´s Degrees: 10 HPS™ for each bachelor degree
Associate´s Degrees: 5 HPS™ for each associate degree
Professional Licenses or Certifications: 1 to 5 HPS™ for each
Instruction, Teaching and/or Academic Experience: 1 to 5 HPS™ for each
Honors, Awards and Other Recognition: 1 to 5 HPS™ each
Publications, Books, Research and Articles: 1 to 5 HPS™ for each
Social Assistance and Humankind Services: 5 to 20 HPS™
Other Professional and/or International Achievements: 5 to 20 HPS™
Language Skills: 5 to 10 HPS™
Digital Skills: 5 to 10 HPS™

Tips: If you are looking for Doctor of Excellence (Honoris Causa) degree, you can click here and apply online now.

News/Post Source: EAHEA Admin
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