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Get A Doctor of Excellence Hc Online Degree, Diploma, Award

The title of Doctor of Excellence or Excellentia Doctor in Latin, is a recognition of professional and intellectual excellence that indicates the social, human and civil value of highly qualified professionals and intellectuals who have achieved a personal and professional excellence in their areas of relevance. they are a motivating example in their community.

The Doctor of Excellence Honoris Causa recognizes the human and intellectual excellence of a person and confirms the important civil role played in the social, cultural and professional sphere.

The Doctor of Excellence is not an academic qualification, therefore, does not require the academic requirements normally required for the achievement of a university doctorate. Essentially the Doctor of Excellence, being a recognition obtained for cultural, civil or social merits, can be considered as an honorary degree.

The recipients of a Doctor of Excellence can, if they wish, adopt the title of Doctor HC, expressed however in the original form as it is issued in the diploma. In Europe, but also in the USA or in Australia it is possible to use the title provided it is shown in the original with the indication that it is an Honoris Causa title, for example:

• Dr. John Doe, D.Hon.Ex.
• Dr. John Doe, Doctor of Excellence (H.C.)
• Dr. John Doe, Doctor of Excellence (Honoris Causa)

The admissibility to the Doctor of Excellence degree is evaluated by the EAHEA, through a system of recognition of credits, professional, cultural, civil and social, taken from the candidate´s curriculum.

To be eligible, you need to get 120 HPS™ (EAHEA Honorary Point System). The breakdown for scoring credits is based on interpreting the candidate´s CV by evaluating credits for age, professional experience, leadership, training, education, any published books, awards and recognitions, other professional achievements , diploma or degree, other doctorates, licenses and certifications, social and professional positions, membership of associations, cultural, voluntary, etc.

Tips: If you are looking for Doctor of Excellence (Honoris Causa) degree, you can click here and apply online now.

News/Post Source: EAHEA Admin
Globethics.Net Foundation
International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
International Education Accreditation Council
E-Learning Quality Network
EduTrust Education Quality Accreditation
Mercosur Accreditation Agency