


EAHEA Course/Program Accreditation

Accreditation is a review of the quality of universities, educational institutes, vocational institutions, colleges, schools, distance learning centers, lifelong learning centers, online courses, corporations, agencies, professionals, and instructors. All over the world, accreditation is a major way that students, families, government officials, and the press know that an institution or program provides quality education.

Accreditation may be either institutional or programmatic and is a voluntary, comprehensive, and objective process of outside peer review to determine whether an institution or program meets the standards of the accrediting body in institutional and/or educational quality and effectiveness. The EAHEA provides institutional accreditation for its members.

What is the Course/Program Accreditation Service?

This accreditation service is only for accredited universities, educational institutes, vocational institutions, online courses, etc., and includes a specific program/course (MA, MS, MBA, LLM, DBA, etc.) that has a curriculum.

Program Accreditation does not contain institutive accreditation. If you want to get an accreditation for your programs, you must apply to Full / Online Accreditation before applying for the Program Accreditation.

About the EAHEA Accreditation Status

1. EAHEA Accreditation isn´t a Substitute of Legal Regulations: Accreditation is a voluntary, non-governmental peer review process. Accreditation by the EAHEA shall be understood to convey only that the higher education institution meets the EAHEA´s educational standards. Such recognition is not in any way intended to substitute legal authorization, recognition or regulation, through compliance with local government laws. Legal authorization, recognition or regulation, and government accreditation occur in the context of different reviews.

2. Institutional Accreditation: The EAHEA accredited institution is evaluated as a whole entity or in every specific program offered. Thus, the EAHEA accreditation status is programmatic and it may be useful for the approval of specific programs (not for licensing of professions).

3. Global & International Scope: The EAHEA accreditation focuses primarily on educational quality from a global and international perspective, not narrow interests, or political action, or educational fashions. The EAHEA is aware of the differences among countries that may arise in regards to fulfilling the quality standards set forth, so EAHEA will examine each higher education institution expecting their institutional autonomy and following a non-discriminatory policy. Due to this global policy, the EAHEA is not part of any country´s governmental agencies. Academic mobility and credit transferability of accredited institutions will always be subject to the receiving country or institution policy.

Rights of The EAHEA Accredited Institutions

The EAHEA accredited institutions are entitled to:

Claim Accreditation by the EAHEA.
Use the EAHEA name and seal.
Receive an accreditation certification.
Be listed on the EAHEA website as an accredited member.
The EAHEA website will provide a link to the accredited member website.
Use the EAHEA monitoring and feedback services.
Be periodically informed of any comments received on its behalf.
Get an invoice for tax deduction purposes.
Promote your institution through the EAHEA Education Network.
Access EAHEA News Alerts and Newsletter.
Get discounts for all EAHEA sponsored events.

Program Accreditation Certificate
Sample Certificate
Globethics.Net Foundation
International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
International Education Accreditation Council
E-Learning Quality Network
EduTrust Education Quality Accreditation
Mercosur Accreditation Agency